Sabtu, 14 September 2013

So, Too, Neither and Either

'So do I' and 'neither do I'

I use 'so do I' to say that a positive sentence is also true for me, and I use 'neither do I' to say that a negative sentence is also true for me:
  • John: I hate mushrooms.
  • Me: So do I (=I also hate mushrooms).
  • Lucy: I don't live in London.
  • Me: Neither do I (=I also don't live in London. For example, maybe Lucy and I both live in Paris).
This is often used as a reply to someone else in a conversation, but both sentences can also be said by the same person, and even joined together:
  • Me: Elizabeth loves coffee. So do I.
  • Me: Harry doesn't play the piano and neither do I.